marți, 4 februarie 2014

Grandma's SOUPS



 Wash two bunches of fresh asparagus carefully, and cut into small pieces. Put to cook in a quart of boiling water, and simmer gently till perfectly tender, when there should remain about a pint of the liquor. Turn into a colander, and rub all through except the hard portion. To a pint of asparagus mixture add salt and one cup of thin cream and a pint of milk; boil up for a few minutes, and serve.


 1/2 dozen sticks of asparagus, 1/2-pint water, 1/4-pint milk, 1 level dessertspoonful of corn flour, 1/4 oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste. Boil the asparagus in the water till tender, add the seasoning, and the corn flour smoothed in the milk, boil up and serve.


 For making two quarts of soup, use two bundles of fresh asparagus. Cut the tops from one of the bunches and cook them twenty minutes in salted water, enough to cover them. Cook the remainder of the asparagus about twenty minutes in a quart of stock or water. Cut an onion into thin slices and fry in three tablespoonfuls of butter ten minutes, being careful not to
scorch it; then add the asparagus that has been boiled in the stock; cook this five minutes,
stirring constantly; then add three tablespoonfuls of dissolved flour, cook five minutes
longer. Turn this mixture into the boiling stock and boil twenty minutes. Rub through a
sieve; add the milk and cream and the asparagus heads. If water is used in place of stock,
use all cream.


1 lb. apples, 1 qt. water, sugar and flavouring, 1 tablespoon sago.
Wash the apples and cut into quarters, but do not peel or core. Put into a saucepan with the
water and sugar and flavoring to taste. When sweet, ripe apples can be obtained, people
with natural tastes will prefer no addition of any kind. Otherwise, a little cinnamon, cloves,
or the yellow part of lemon rind may be added. Stew until the apples are soft. Strain through
a sieve, rubbing the apple pulp through, but leaving cores, etc., behind. Wash the sago, add
to the strained soup, and boil gently for 1 hour. Stir now and then, as the sago is apt to stick
to the pan.


1 large cooking apple, 1 small finely chopped onion, seasoning and sugar to taste, a little
butter, 1 teaspoonful of cornflour, 1/2 pint of water. Peel and cut up the apple, and cook
with the onion in the water till quite tender. Rub the mixture through a sieve, return to the
saucepan, add the butter, seasoning and sugar, thicken the soup with the cornflour, and


1 lb. each of artichokes and potatoes, 1 Spanish onion, 1 oz. of butter, 1 pint of milk, and
pepper and salt to taste. Peel, wash, and cut into dice the artichokes, potatoes, and onion.
Cook them until tender in 1 quart of water with the butter and seasoning. When the vegetables are tender rub them through a sieve. Return the liquid to the saucepan, add the milk,
and boil the soup up again. Add water if the soup is too thick. Serve with Allinson plain
rusks, or small dice of bread fried crisp in butter or vege-butter.


Select a small shin of beef of moderate size, crack the bone in small pieces, wash and place
it in a kettle to boil, with five or six quarts of cold water. Let it boil about two hours, or until
it begins to get tender, then season it with a tablespoonful of salt, and a teaspoonful of pep per; boil it one hour longer, then add to it one carrot, two turnips, two tablespoonfuls of rice
or pearl barley, one head of celery, and a teaspoonful of summer savory powdered fine; the
vegetables to be minced up in small pieces like dice. After these ingredients have boiled a
quarter of an hour, put in two potatoes cut up in small pieces, let it boil half an hour longer;take the meat from the soup, and if intended to be served with it, take out the bones and lay
it closely and neatly on a dish, and garnish with sprigs of parsley. Serve made mustard and
catsup with it. It is very nice pressed and eaten cold with mustard and vinegar, or catsup.
Four hours are required for making this soup. Should any remain over the first day, it may
be heated, with the addition of a little boiling water, and served again. Some fancy a glass of
brown sherry added just before being served. Serve very hot.


2 cups beans
2 tablespoons finely cut onion
2 tablespoons finely cut bacon
1 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
1 teaspoon thyme
3 tablespoons flour
Soak beans in water over night. Drain and put into saucepan with six cups boiling water and
boil slowly two hours or until soft; add onion and bacon which have been fried light brown;
boil five minutes; add salt, pepper, parsley and thyme. Mash beans with back of spoon. Add
flour which has been mixed with a little cold water; boil five minutes and serve.


Soak a half pint of white beans over night. In the morning turn off the water, and place them
in an earthen dish with two or two and one half quarts of boiling water; cover and let them
simmer in a moderate oven four or five hours. Also soak over night a tablespoonful of pearl
tapioca in sufficient water to cover. When the beans are soft, rub through a colander, after
which add the soaked tapioca, and salt if desired; also as much powdered thyme as can be
taken on the point of a penknife and sufficient water to make the soup of proper consistency
if the water has mostly evaporated. Return to the oven, and cook one half hour longer. A
little cream may be added just before serving.


Cold boiled or stewed corn and cold baked beans form the basis of this soup. Take one pint
of each, rub through a colander, add a slice of onion, three cups of boiling water or milk, and
boil for ten minutes. Turn through the colander a second time to remove the onion and any
lumps or skins which may remain. Season with salt and a half cup of cream. If preferred, the
onion may be omitted.


Soak separately in cold water over night a cupful each of dry beans and hominy. In the
morning, boil them together till both are perfectly tender and broken to pieces. Rub through a colander, and add sufficient milk to make three pints. Season with salt, and stir in a cup of
whipped cream just before serving. Cold beans and hominy may be utilized for this soup.


Soak a half pint of dry white beans over night; in the morning drain and put to cook in boiling water. When tender, rub through a colander. Prepare sliced potato sufficient to make one
quart, cook in as small a quantity of water as possible, rub through a colander, and add to
the beans. Add milk or water sufficient to make two quarts, and as much prepared thyme as
can be taken on the point of a penknife, with salt to season. Boil for a few minutes, add a
teacup of thin cream, and serve.


Take one pint of boiled or a little less of mashed beans, one pint of stewed tomatoes, and
rub together through a colander. Add salt, a cup of thin cream, one half a cup of nicely
steamed rice, and sufficient boiling water to make a soup of the proper consistency. Reheat
and serve.


Have ready a good broth made of three pounds of veal boiled slowly in as much water as will
cover it, till the meat is reduced to shreds. It must then be well strained.
Having boiled one fine middle-sized lobster, extract all the meat from the body and claws.
Bruise part of the coral in a mortar, and also an equal quantity of the meat. Mix them well
together. Add mace, cayenne, salt and pepper, and make them up into force meat balls,
binding the mixture with the yolk of an egg slightly beaten. Take three quarts of the veal
broth and put it into the meat of the lobster cut into mouthfuls. Boil it together about twenty
Then thicken it with the remaining coral (which you must first rub through a sieve), and add
the force meat balls and a little butter rolled in flour. Simmer it gently for ten minutes, but
do not let it come to a boil, as that will injure the color. Serve with small dice of bread fried
brown in butter.


Soak a pint (0.5 quart) of black beans over night in cold water. When ready to cook, put into
two and one half quarts of fresh water, which should be boiling, and simmer until completely
dissolved, adding more boiling water from time to time if needed. There should be about two
quarts of all when done. Rub through a colander, add salt, a half cup of cream, and reheat.
When hot, turn through a soup strainer, add two or more teaspoonfuls of lemon juice, and


A pint of black beans, soaked over night in three quarts of water. In the morning pour off
this water, and add three quarts of fresh. Boil gently six hours. When done, there should be
one quart. Add a quart of stock, six whole cloves, six whole allspice, a small piece of mace, a
small piece of cinnamon, stalk of celery, a bouquet of sweet herbs, also one good-sized
onion and one small slice each of turnip and carrot, all cut fine and fried in three tablespoonfuls of butter. Into the butter remaining in the pan put a spoonful of flour, and cook
until brown. Add to soup, and simmer all together one hour. Season with salt and pepper,
and rub through a fine sieve. Serve with slices of lemon and egg balls, the lemon to be put
in the tureen with the soup.


Take six pounds of the lean of fresh beef, cut from the bone. Stick it over with four dozen
cloves. Season it with a tea-spoonful of salt, a tea-spoonful of pepper, a tea-spoonful of
mace, and a beaten nutmeg. Slice half a dozen onions; fry them in butter; chop them, and
spread them over the meat after you have put it into the soup-pot. Pour in five quarts of wa ter, and stew it slowly for five or six hours; skimming it well. When the meat has dissolved
into shreds, strain it, and return the liquid to the pot. Then add a tumbler and a half, or six
wine glasses of claret or port wine. Simmer it again slowly till dinner time. When the soup is
reduced to three quarts, it is done enough. Put it into a tureen, and send it to table.


Simmer together two pints of sliced potatoes and one third as much of the thin brown shavings (not thicker than a silver dime) from the top of a loaf of whole-wheat bread, in one
quart of water. The crust must not be burned or blackened, and must not include any of the
soft portion of the loaf. When the potatoes are tender, mash all through a colander. Flavor
with a cup of strained, stewed tomatoes, a little salt, and return to the fire; when hot, add a
half cup of cream, and boiling water to make the soup of proper consistency, and serve at
once. If care has been taken to prepare the crust as directed, this soup will have a brown
color and a fine, pungent flavor exceedingly pleasant to the taste.


Take 1 1/2 oz. Macaroni, 1 oz. Butter, Vegetables, Corn flour and 2 quarts Bone Stock. Slice
up the onions or leeks, one carrot, and make a fagot of herbs; fry them in the butter with 1
dozen peppercorns till they are quite brown, but not burnt. Sprinkle over a tablespoonful of
corn flour, and when brown pour over the boiling stock and stir till it boils up; let it simmer
for an hour. If it is not brown enough, burn a little sugar in a spoon and stir it in. If half a
teaspoonful of sugar is sprinkled over the vegetables when they are frying they will brown
much quicker. When the vegetables are soft rub the soup through a wire sieve and return to
the saucepan. Boil the macaroni in salt and water for twenty minutes, strain off, and cut into
pieces one inch long; put these into the soup and simmer for a quarter of an hour. Flavor
with a little salt and pepper if necessary, and pour into a hot tureen.


8 oz. of pearl barley, 2 onions, 4 potatoes, 1/2 a teaspoonful of thyme, 1 dessertspoonful of
finely chopped parsley, 3-1/2 pints of water, 1/2 pint of milk, 1 oz. of butter. Pick and wash
the barley, chop up the onions, slice the potatoes. Boil the whole gently for 4 hours with the
water, adding the butter, thyme, pepper and salt to taste. When the barley is quite soft, add
the milk and parsley, boil the soup up, and serve.


1/2 lb. of stale crusts of Allinson wholemeal bread, 4 onions, 2 turnips, 1 stick of celery, 1
oz. of butter, 1/2 oz. of finely chopped parsley, 8 pints of water, 1/2 pint of milk. Soak the
crusts in the water for 2 hours before they are put over the fire. Cut up into small dice the
vegetables; add them to the bread with the butter and pepper and salt to taste. Allow all to
simmer gently for 1 hour, then rub the soup through a sieve, return it to the saucepan, add
the milk and parsley, and, if the flavor is liked, a little grated nutmeg; boil the soup up and
serve at once.


1 slice of bread, 1 small finely chopped onion fried brown, a pinch of nutmeg, pepper and
salt to taste. Boil the bread in 3/4 pint of water and milk in equal parts, adding the onion
and seasoning. When the bread is quite tender, rub all through a sieve, return soup to the
saucepan, boil up, and serve.


2 oz. of butter beans soaked overnight in 1 pint of water, 1/2 small onion cut up small, 2 oz.
carrot, 2 oz. celery, 1/2 oz. butter. Cook all the vegetables until tender, adding water as it
boils away. When all is tender, rub the vegetables through a sieve, return to the saucepan,
season with pepper and salt, add the butter, boil up the soup, and serve.


1 fair-sized cabbage, a large Spanish onion, 1-1/2 oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste, 1/2
salt spoonful of nutmeg, 1-1/2 pints of milk, 2 tablespoonfuls of Allinson fine wheat meal.
After preparing and washing the cabbage, shred up very fine, chop up the onion, set these
two in a saucepan over the fire with 1 quart of water, the butter and seasoning, and let all
cook gently for 1 hour, or longer it the vegetables are not quite tender. Add the milk and
thickening when the vegetables are thoroughly tender, and let all simmer gently for 10
minutes; serve with little squares of toasted or fried bread, or Allinson plain rusks.


Take 1 Cabbage, 2 oz. Butter, 1 pint Milk, Pepper, Salt, and Bread. Wash and strain the
cabbage well, and cut it up into slices; throw it into boiling salt and water, and cook for five
minutes; strain all the water off and put it into a saucepan with the salt, pepper, and two
quarts of boiling water, and boil for one hour. Add the milk and let it boil up again, toast the
slice of bread and cut it up into dice. Put it into a warm soup tureen and pour the boiling
soup over it.


Tale 1 Cabbage, 1 lb. Bacon, 1 doz. Peppercorns, 2 Turnips, 1 Carrot, 1 Onion and Pieces of
Stale Bread. This soup is not as expensive as it appears, for the bacon is served as a dish of
meat, either after the soup or cold for breakfast or tea. Put two quarts of water into a saucepan; when it boils put in a pound of bacon neither too lean nor too fat. Let it boil slowly for
one hour. The bacon must be well washed and scraped before cooking, and when it
boils skim the pot thoroughly. Well wash the cabbage and soak it in hot water for half an
hour. Take all the water away and put the cabbage into the saucepan with the bacon and vegetables cut up, and the peppercorns tied in a piece of muslin; let them simmer together for
two and a half hours, take up the cabbage, and cut it into quarters. Take one quarter and
cut it into small pieces and put it into a soup tureen. Cut some stale pieces of bread into thin
slices and lay on the top, pour over the boiling liquor, and serve. Dish the bacon, pull off the
rind, and put the rest of the cabbage round the dish.


2 pints of water, 1 pint of milk, 1 large tablespoonful of capers, 1/2 lemon, 2 eggs, 1-1/2 oz.
of Allinson fine wheatmeal, 1/2 oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste. Boil the milk and water and butter, with seasoning to taste; thicken it with the wheatmeal rubbed smooth with a
little milk. Chop up the capers, add them and let the soup cook gently for 10 minutes; take it
off the fire, beat up the eggs and add them carefully, that they may not curdle; at the last
add the juice of the half lemon, re-heat the soup without allowing it to boil, and serve.


4 good-sized carrots, 1 small head of celery, 1 fair-sized onion, 1 turnip, 3 oz. of bread crumbs, 1-1/2 oz. of butter, 1 blade of mace, pepper and salt to taste. Scrape and wash the
vegetables, and cut them up small; set them over the fire with 3 pints of water, the butter,
bread, and mace. Let all boil together, until the vegetables are quite tender, and then rub
them through a sieve. Return the mixture to the saucepan, season with pepper and salt, and
if too thick add water to the soup, which should be as thick as cream, boil the soup up, and


For a quart of soup, slice one large carrot and boil in a small quantity of water for two hours
or longer, then rub it through a colander, add a quart of rich milk, and salt to season.
Reheat, and when boiling, thicken with two teaspoonfuls of flour rubbed smooth in a little
cold milk.


1 carrot, 1 potato, and 1 small onion cut up small, 1 pint of water, a little butter, and pepper
and salt to taste. Cook the vegetables in the water till quite tender, rub them through a
sieve, adding a little water if necessary; return to saucepan, add seasoning and butter, boil
up and serve.

Calf's Head Soup.

Scald and clean the head, and put it to boil with two gallons of water, a shank of veal, three
onions, two carrots, a little bacon, and a bunch of sweet herbs. When they have boiled half
an hour, take out the head and shank of veal, and cut all the meat off the bones into pieces
of two inches square; let the soup boil half an hour longer, when strain it, and put in the
meat; season it with salt, cayenne and black pepper, and cloves, if you like; thicken it with
butter and browned flour, and let it boil nearly an hour; put some fried force meat balls in
the tureen, and just before you pour out the soup, stir into it a table-spoonful of sugar,
browned in a frying pan, and half a pint of wine. This resembles turtle soup.


1 medium-sized cauliflower, 1-1/2 pints of milk, 1 oz. of butter, 2 oz. of Allinson fine wheatmeal, pepper and salt to taste, a little nutmeg, and the juice of a lemon. Prepare the cauliflower by washing and breaking it into pieces, keeping the flowers whole, and boil in
1-1/2 pints of water, adding the butter, nutmeg, and seasoning. When the cauliflower is
quite tender add the milk, boil it up, and thicken the soup with the wheatmeal, which should
first be smoothed with a little cold water. Lastly, add the lemon juice, and serve the soup
with sippets of toast.


1/2 small cauliflower, 1/2 pint milk and water, small piece of butter, 1 teaspoonful of fine
wholemeal, pepper and salt to taste. Wash and cut up the cauliflower, cook till tender with
the milk and water, add butter and seasoning; smooth the meal with a little water, thicken
the soup with it, boil up for a minute and serve.


The small white catfishes are the best. Having cut off their heads, skins the fish, and cleans
them, and cut them in three. To twelve small catfish allow a pound and a half of chicken. Cut
the chicken into small pieces, or slice it very thin, and scald it two or three times in boiling water, lest it be too salt. Chop together a bunch of parsley and some sweet marjoram
stripped from the stalks. Put these ingredients into a soup kettle and season them with pepper: the chicken will make it salt enough. Add a head of celery cut small, or a large tablespoonful of celery seed tied up in a bit of clear muslin to prevent its dispersing. Pat in two
quarts of water, cover the kettle, and let it boil slowly till every thing is sufficiently done, and
the fish and chicken quite tender. Skim it frequently. Boil in another vessel a quart of rich
milk, in which you have melted a quarter of a pound of butter divided into small bits and
rolled in flour. Pour it hot to the soup, and stir in at the last the beaten yolks of four eggs.
it another boil, just to take off the rawness of the eggs, and then put it into a tureen, taking
out the bag of celery seed before you send the soup to table, and adding some toasted
bread cut into small squares. In making toast for soap, cut the bread thick, and pare off all
the crust.


2 cocoanuts grated, 2 blades of mace, 1 salt spoonful of cinnamon, 3 pints of water, the
juice of a lemon, 2 eggs, 1 oz. of Allinson fine wheatmeal, pepper and salt to taste. Boil the
cocoanut in the water, adding the mace, cinnamon, and seasoning. Let it cook gently for an
hour; strain the mixture through a sieve and then return the soup to the saucepan. Make a
paste of the eggs, wheatmeal, and lemon juice, add it to the soup and let it boil up before
serving; let it simmer for 5 minutes, and serve with a little plain boiled rice.


1 breakfastcupful of fresh wheat, 1 quart of water, 1/2 pint of milk, 1/2 oz. of butter, 1/2 oz.
of finely chopped parsley, 1 oz. of eschalots, seasoning to taste. Steep the wheat over night
in the water and boil it in the same water for 3 hours, add the butter, the eschalots, chopped
up very fine, and pepper and salt. Let the whole simmer very gently for another 1/2 hour,
add the milk and parsley boil the soup up once more, and serve.


1 large Spanish onion, 1 teaspoonful of mixed herbs, 1/2 head of celery, 1-1/2 oz. butter, 1
carrot, 1 turnip, and pepper and salt to taste. Chop the onion up fine, and fry it brown in the
butter, in the saucepan in which the soup is to be made, and add 5 pints of water. Prepare
and cut into small pieces the carrot, turnip, and celery; add these, the nutmeg, herbs, and
pepper and salt to the water, with the fried onions. When the vegetables are tender drain
the liquid; return it to the saucepan, and boil the soup up.


2 large onions, 1 teaspoonful of herbs, 1/2 teaspoonful of nutmeg, 1 carrot, 1 turnip, pepper
and salt to taste, 1 oz. of butter, 3 pints of water. Chop up finely the onions and fry them
brown in the butter in the saucepan in which the soup is to be made; add the water. Cut up
in thin slices the carrot and turnip, add these, with the herbs, nutmeg, and seasoning to the
soup. Let it boil for I hour, drain the liquid, return it to the saucepan, and when boiling add
the dumplings prepared as follows: 1/2 pint of clear soup, 4 eggs, a little nutmeg, pepper
and salt to taste. Beat the eggs well, mix them with the soup, and season the mixture with
nutmeg, pepper, and salt. Pour it into a buttered jug; set it in a pan with boiling water, and
let the mixture thicken. Then cut off little lumps with a spoon, and throw these into the soup
and boil up before serving.


1 large head of celery or 2 small ones, 1 large Spanish onion, 2 oz. of butter, pepper and
salt to taste, and 1 blade of mace. Chop the onion and fry it brown in the butter or Allinson
vege-butter in the saucepan in which the soup is to be made. When brown, add 4 pints of
water, the celery washed and cut into pieces, the mace, the pepper and salt. Let all cook until the celery is quite soft, then drain the liquid from the vegetables. Return it to the sauce pan, boil the soup up, and add 1 oz. of vermicelli, sago, or Italian paste; let the soup cook
until this is quite soft, and serve with sippets of crisp toast, or Allinson plain rusks.


1 head celery, 2 tablespoons sago, 2 qts. water.
Wash the celery, chop into small pieces, and stew in the water for 2 hours. Strain. Wash the
sago, add it to the clear liquid, and cook for 1 hour. For those who prefer a thick soup, peaflour may be added. Allow 1 level tablespoon to each pint of soup. Mix with a little cold wa ter, and add to the boiling soup. One or two onions may also be cooked with the celery, if


2 tablespoonfuls of tinned tomatoes, or 1 fair-sized fresh one, 1 small finely chopped and
fried onion, a teaspoonful of vermicelli, pepper and salt to taste, 1/2 pint of water. Boil the
tomatoes with the onion and water for 5 to 10 minutes, then drain all the liquid; return to
the saucepan, season and sprinkle in the vermicelli, let the soup cook until the vermicelli is
soft, and serve.


1 quart tomatoes
1/4 teaspoon soda
4 tablespoons butter
4 tablespoons flour
1 quart milk
1 tablespoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
Stew tomatoes slowly one-half hour; rub through strainer; heat and add soda. In the meantime, melt butter and stir in flour; add milk slowly, cooking over low fire until thick; add
seasoning. Take from fire and stir in hot tomatoes and serve immediately.


Soak three fourths of a pint of dried Scotch peas over night in a quart of water. In the morning put to cook in boiling water, cover closely and let them simmer gently four or five hours,
or until the peas are very tender and well disintegrated; then rub through a colander to re move the skins. If the peas are very dry, add a little water or milk occasionally, to moisten
them and facilitate the sifting. Just before the peas are done, prepare potatoes enough to
make a pint and a half, after being cut in thin slices. Cook the potatoes until tender in a
small amount of water, and rub them through a colander. Add the potatoes thus prepared to
the sifted peas, and milk enough to make three and one half pints in all. Return to the fire,
and add a small head of celery cut finger lengths, and let the whole simmer together ten or
fifteen minutes, until flavored. Remove the celery with a fork; add salt and a cup of thin
cream. This should make about two quarts of soup. If preferred, the peas may be cooked
without soaking. It will, however, require a little longer time.


Wash a cup of pearl barley, drain and simmer slowly in two quarts of water for four or five
hours, adding boiling water from time to time as needed. When the barley is tender, strain
the liquor, of which there should be about three pints; add to it a portion of the cooked bar ley grains, salt, and a cup of whipped cream, and serve. If preferred, the beaten yolk of an
egg may be used instead of cream.

Cream of Barley Soup -2

A tea-cupful of barley, well washed; three pints of chicken stock, an onion and a small piece
each of mace and cinnamon. Cook slowly together five hours; then rub through a sieve, and
add one and a half pints of boiling cream or milk. If milk, add also two tablespoonfuls of butter. Salt and pepper to taste. The yolks of four eggs, beaten with four tablespoonfuls of milk,
and cooked a minute in the boiling milk or cream, makes the soup very much richer.

Cream of Celery Soup.

A pint of milk, a table-spoonful of flour, one of butter, a head of celery, a large slice of onion
and small piece of mace. Boil celery in a pint of water from thirty to forty-five minutes; boil mace, onion and milk together. Mix flour with two tablespoonfuls of cold milk, and add to
boiling milk. Cook ten minutes. Mash celery in the water in which it has been cooked, and
stir into boiling milk. Add butter, and season with salt and pepper to taste. Strain and serve
immediately. The flavor is improved by adding a cupful of whipped cream when the soup is
in the tureen.

Cream of Rice Soup.

Two quarts of chicken stock (the water in which fowl have been boiled will answer), one teacupful of rice, a quart of cream or milk, a small onion, a stalk of celery and salt and pepper
to taste. Wash rice carefully, and add to chicken stock, onion and celery. Cook slowly two
hours (it should hardly bubble). Put through a sieve; add seasoning and the milk or cream,
which has been allowed to come just to a boil.


Take 4 medium-sized onions, 4 Tb. butter, 2 Tb. flour, 2-1/2 c. milk, 1 tsp. salt and 1/8 tsp.
pepper. Slice the onions and brown them in a frying pan with 2 tablespoonfuls of the butter.
Make white sauce of the flour, the remaining butter, and the milk. Add to this the browned
onions, salt, and pepper. Heat thoroughly and serve.

Chicken Soup.

Cut up the chicken; cut each joint, and let it boil an hour; make dumplings of a pint of milk,
an egg, a little salt and flour, stirred in till quite stiff; drop this in, a spoonful at a time, while
it is boiling; stir in a little thickening, with enough pepper, salt and parsley, to season the
whole; let it boil a few minutes longer, and take it up in a tureen. Chopped celery is a great
improvement to chicken soup; and new corn, cut off the cob, and put in when it is half done,
gives it a very nice flavor.


An old chicken for soup is much the best. Cut it up into quarters, put it into a soup kettle
with half a pound of corned ham, and an onion; add four quarts of cold water. Bring slowly
to a gentle boil, and keep this up until the liquid has diminished one-third, and the meat
from the bones; then add half a cup of rice. Season with salt, pepper and a bunch of
chopped parsley. Cook slowly until the rice is tender, then the meat should be taken out.
Now stir in two cups of rich milk thickened with a little flour. The chicken could be fried in a
spoonful of butter and gravy made, reserving some of the white part of the meat, chopping
it and adding it to the soup.


Heat together 1-cup milk, 1-cup water in which 2 chicken bouillon cubes have been dissolved, and 1 can of condensed cream of chicken soup. Stir in 1/4 cup grated American
Cheddar cheese and season with salt, pepper, and plenty of paprika until cheese melts. Other popular American recipes simply add grated cheese to lima bean or split bean soup, peanut butter soup, or plain cheese soup with rice.


One and a half cupfuls of flour, one pint of rich cream, four tablespoonfuls of butter, four of
grated Parmesan cheese, a speck of cayenne, two eggs, three quarts of clear soup stock. Mix
flour, cream, butter, cheese and pepper together. Place the basin in another of hot water
and stir until the mixture becomes a smooth, firm paste. Break into it the two eggs, and mix
quickly and thoroughly. Cook two minutes longer, and set away to cool. When cold, roll into
little balls about the size of an American walnut When the balls are all formed drop them into
boiling water and cook gently five minutes; then put them in the soup tureen and pour the
boiling stock on them. Pass a plate of finely grated Parmesan cheese with the soup.


Mince two dozen hard shell clams very fine. Fry half a minced onion in an ounce of butter;
add to it a pint of hot water, a pinch of mace, four cloves, one allspice and six whole peppercorns. Boil fifteen minutes and strain into a saucepan; add the chopped clams and a pint of
clam-juice or hot water; simmer slowly two hours; strain and rub the pulp through a sieve
into the liquid. Return it to the saucepan and keep it lukewarm. Boil three half-pints of milk
in a saucepan (previously wet with cold water, which prevents burning) and whisk it into the
soup. Dissolve a teaspoonful of flour in cold milk, add it to the soup, taste for seasoning;
heat it gently to near the boiling point; pour into a tureen previously heated with hot water,
and serve with or without pieces of fried bread.


Twenty-five clams chopped fine. Put over the fire the liquor that was drained from them, and
a cup of water; add the chopped clams and boil half an hour; then season to taste with pepper and salt and a piece of butter as large as an egg; boil up again and add one quart of milk
boiling hot, stir in a tablespoon of flour made to a cream with a little cold milk, or two crack ers rolled fine. Some like a little mace and lemon juice in the seasoning.


1 lb. chestnuts, 1-1/2 oz. nutter or butter, 2 tablespoons chopped parsley, 1 tablespoon
wholemeal flour, 1-1/2 pints water.
First put on the chestnuts (without shelling or pricking) in cold water, and boil for an hour.
Then remove shells and put the nuts in a saucepan with the fat. Fry for 10 minutes. Add the flour gradually, stirring all the time, then add the water. Cook gently for half an hour.
Lastly, add the parsley, boil up, and serve. It is rather nicer if the flour is omitted, the necessary thickness being obtained by rubbing the soup through a sieve before adding the pars ley. Those who do not object to milk may use 1-pint milk and 1-pint water in place of the 1-1/2 pints water.


Ingredients: 1 c. mashed chestnuts, 1 c. milk, 2 Tb. flour, 2 Tb. butter, 1 tsp. salt, 1/8 tsp.
pepper, 1/8 tsp. celery salt and 1 c. white stock
Cook chestnuts for 10 minutes; then remove the shells and skins and mash the chestnuts.
Make white sauce of the milk, flour, and butter. Add to this the mashed chestnuts, salt,
pepper, celery salt, and stock. Heat thoroughly and serve.


Rub a can of green peas through a colander to remove the skins. Add a pint of milk and heat
to boiling. If too thin, thicken with a little flour rubbed smooth in a very little cold milk. Sea son with salt and a half cup of cream. A small teaspoonful of white sugar may be added if
desired. Green peas, instead of canned, may be used when procurable. When they have become a little too hard to serve alone, they can be used for soup, if thoroughly cooked.


Open a can of green corn, turn it into a graniteware dish, and thoroughly mash with a
potato-masher until each kernel is broken, then rub through a colander to remove the skins.
Add sufficient rich milk to make the soup of the desired consistency, about one half pint for
each pint can of corn will be needed. Season with salt, reheat, and serve. If preferred, a larger quantity of milk and some cream may be used, and the soup, when reheated, thickened
with a little corn starch or flour. It may be turned through the colander a second time or not,
as preferred.


Chop quite fine enough fresh, crisp celery to make a pint, and cook it until tender in a very
little boiling water. When done, heat three cupfuls of rich milk, part cream if it can be af forded, to boiling, add the celery, salt to season, and thicken the whole with a tablespoonful
of flour rubbed smooth in a little cold milk; or add to the milk before heating a cupful of
mashed potato, turn through a colander to remove lumps, reheat, add salt and the celery,
and serve.


Cook in a double boiler a cupful of cracked wheat in three pints of water for three or four
hours. Rub the wheat through a colander, add a cup of rich milk, and if needed, a little boiling water, and a small head of celery cut in finger lengths. Boil all together for fifteen or
twenty minutes, until well flavored, remove the celery with a fork, add salt, and serve with
or without the hard-boiled yolk of an egg in each soup plate.


Take one-half pound of salt codfish that has been soaked, cut it up into squares, but not
small. Prepare in a saucepan four tablespoons of good olive-oil, and one small onion cut into
pieces. Cook the onion in the oil over a slow fire, without allowing the onion to become
colored, then add a small bunch of parsley stems, a small piece of celery, a bay-leaf, and a
small sprig of thyme. Cool for a few moments, then add two tomatoes, skinned and with the
seeds removed, and cut into slices, two tablespoons of dry white wine, and one medium-s ized potato, peeled and cut into slices, and, lastly, one cup of water. When the potato is half
cooked, add the codfish, then one-half tablespoon more of olive-oil. Remove the parsley
stems, and put in instead one-half tablespoon of chopped-up parsley; add a good pinch of
pepper, and some salt, if needed. When the vegetables are thoroughly cooked pour the soup
over pieces of toasted or fried bread, and serve.


This soup is prepared from material already cooked, and requires two cups of cracked wheat,
one and one half cups of Lima beans, one half cup of black beans, and one cup of stewed tomato. Rub the material together through a colander, adding, if needed, a little hot water to
facilitate the sifting. Add boiling water to thin to the proper consistency, season with salt and
if it can be afforded a little sweet cream,--the soup is, however, very palatable without the


Take three and one half cups of mashed (Scotch) peas, one cup each of cooked rice, oatmeal, and hominy, and two cups of stewed tomato. Rub the material through a colander,
add boiling water to thin to the proper consistency, season with salt, reheat, and add, just
before serving, two cups of cooked macaroni. If preferred, a cup of cream may be used in
place of the tomato, or both may be omitted.


One half cup of cold mashed potato, one cup each of cooked pearl wheat, barley and dried
peas. Rub all through a colander, add boiling milk to thin to the proper consistency, season
with salt and a half cup of cream.


1 oz. rice, 1 pint milk and water (equal parts), 1 saltspoonful of curry, 1/4 oz. butter, 1 oz.
finely chopped onion, salt to taste. Cook the rice with the onion, curry, and seasoning in the
milk and water, until the rice is quite tender; add the butter, and serve.


In a frying pan have the depth of an inch of boiling fat; also have prepared slices of stale
bread cut up into little half-inch squares; drop into the frying pan enough of these bits of
bread to cover the surface of the fat. When browned, remove with a skimmer and drain; add
to the hot soup and serve.


Put two quarts of dried white beans to soak the night before you make the soup, which
should be put on as early in the day as possible. Take two pounds of the lean of fresh beef
(the coarse pieces will do). Cut them up and put them into your soup-pot with the bones
belonging to them (which should be broken in pieces), and a pound of lean bacon, cut very
small. If you have the remains of a piece of beef that has been roasted the day before, and
so much underdone that the juices remain in it, you may put it into the pot and its bones
along with it. Season the meat with pepper only, and pour on it six quarts of water. As soon
as it boils, take off the scum, and put in the beans (having first drained them) and a head of
celery cut small, or a tablespoonful of pounded celery seed. Boil it slowly till the meat is
done to shreds, and the beans all dissolved. Then strain it through a colander into the tureen, and put into it small squares of toasted bread with the crust cut off.

Dried White Beans Soup

Dried beans should be soaked before boiling; they make very good soup with a small piece
of bacon or salt pork boiled with them; put them to boil in plenty of water, and after they
have boiled an hour, pour it off, and put in cold water and the meat or bones, and let them
boil an hour longer; stir in a little thickening, with pepper, salt, parsley and thyme; mix up
some dumplings, and drop in half an hour before the soup is done.


The small white Eels are the best. Having cut off their heads, skin the fish, and clean them,
and cut them in three. To twelve small eel allow a pound and a half of chicken. Cut the
chicken into small pieces, or slice it very thin, and scald it two or three times in boiling water, lest it be too salt. Chop together a bunch of parsley and some sweet marjoram stripped
from the stalks. Put these ingredients into a soup kettle and season them with pepper: the
checken will make it salt enough. Add a head of celery cut small, or a large table-spoonful of
celery seed tied up in a bit of clear muslin to prevent its dispersing. Pat in two quarts of wa ter, cover the kettle, and let it boil slowly till every thing is sufficiently done, and the fish and
checken quite tender. Skim it frequently. Boil in another vessel a quart of rich milk, in which you have melted a quarter of a pound of butter divided into small bits and rolled in flour.
Pour it hot to the soup, and stir in at the last the beaten yolks of four eggs. Give it another
boil, just to take off the rawness of the eggs, and then put it into a tureen, taking out the
bag of celery seed before you send the soup to table, and adding some toasted bread cut
into small squares. In making toast for soap, cut the bread thick, and pare off all the crust.


Take 1 quart White Stock, 1 pint of Milk, 3 Yolks of Eggs, 1 oz. Sago, 1 Onion, Salt and Pepper as necessary. Boil the sago, stock, and onion together till the sago is clear; then take
out the onion and season the soup with salt and pepper. Beat the yolks of the eggs in a
basin, pour over the boiling milk, strain into the stock. Put over the fire and whisk till it
comes to
boiling point, but do not let it boil, or it may curdle. Pour into a tureen, sprinkle with chopped
parsley, and send some fried bread to table with it.


Take the yolks of six hard-boiled eggs and half a tablespoonful of wheat flour, rub them
smooth with the yolks of two raw eggs and a teaspoonful of salt; mix all well together; make
it in balls, and drop them into the boiling soup a few minutes before taking it up. Used in
green turtle soup.


3 yolks of hard-cooked eggs, 1/2 tsp. melted butter, Salt and pepper and 1 uncooked yolk.
Mash the cooked yolks, and to them add the butter, salt, and pepper, and enough of the uncooked yolk to make the mixture of a consistency to handle easily. Shape into tiny balls. Roll
in the white of egg and then in flour and saute in butter. Serve in the individual dishes of


To half a pint of milk put two well-beaten eggs, and as much wheat flour as will make a
smooth, rather thick batter free from lumps; drop this batter, a tablespoonful at a time, into
boiling soup.


Select a large, fine fish, clean it thoroughly, put it over the fire with a sufficient quantity of
water, allowing for each pound of fish one quart of water; add an onion cut fine and a bunch of sweet herbs. When the fish is cooked, and is quite tasteless, strain all through a colander,
return to the fire, add some butter, salt and pepper to taste. A small tablespoonful of
Worcestershire sauce may be added if liked. Serve with small squares of fried bread and thin
slices of lemon.


Ingredients: 3 pints Fish Stock, 1 pint Milk, Corn flour, Vegetables and Fish. Remove all the
fat from the fish stock and put it into a saucepan with six white peppercorns, an onion, one
slice of turnip, a fagot of herbs, and some carrot. Boil this together for twenty minutes, then
strain out the vegetables and pour back into the saucepan. Mix a tablespoonful of corn flour
smoothly with the milk and stir it in; continue stirring till it boils. Skin and fillet the fish and
cut it into dice, put these pieces of fish into the soup, and simmer for ten minutes. Just be fore serving add a few drops of lemon juice, and salt to taste. Pour into a tureen and sprinkle
a little chopped parsley on top.


2 lb. fish, 1 small onion, 1 c. sliced potatoes, 1/2 c. stewed tomatoes, 1-1/2 tsp. salt, 1/8
tsp. pepper, 2 Tb. butter and 1-1/2 c. milk.
Skin the fish, remove the flesh, and cut it into small pieces. Simmer the head, bones, and
skin of the fish and the onion in water for 1/2 hour. Strain, and add to this stock the fish,
potatoes, tomatoes, salt, and pepper. Simmer together until the potatoes are soft. Add the
butter and milk. Serve over crackers.


1 small onion chopped fine, 1 oz. of cheese shredded fine, 1 slice of dry toast, 3/4 pint of
water, a little milk, pepper and salt to taste. Break up the toast, and set all the ingredients
over the fire; cook till the onion is tender, add 1/2 gill of milk, and serve.


Take 3 Potatoes, 3 Carrots, 2 Turnips, 2 quarts Bone Stock, Pepper, 2 Onions, 1/2 stalk Celery, 1 oz. Butter, 1 teaspoonful Sugar and Salt as necessary. Peel and slice up the vegetables and sprinkle them with the sugar and salt, and put them into a saucepan with the butter, and sweat for five minutes. Pour over the boiling stock and stir until it boils; boil
slowly for an hour, then rub through a sieve. If it is too thick, reduce it with a little more
stock or milk, return to a saucepan, and bring to the boil. When tomatoes are in season slice
up two with the other vegetables; these will make the soup a good color and improve the


1 medium-sized cabbage, 1 lb. of potatoes, 1 oz. of butter, 3 pints of milk and water equal
parts, pepper and salt to taste, 1 dessertspoonful of finely chopped parsley, and 2 blades of
mace, and 1 dessertspoonful of Allinson fine wheat meal. Wash the cabbage and shred it
finely, peel the potatoes and cut them into small dice; boil the vegetables in the milk and
water until quite tender, adding the mace, butter, and seasoning. When quite soft, rub the
wheat meal smooth with a little water, let it simmer with the soup for 5 minutes, add the
parsley, and serve.


1/2 lb. onions, 3 oz. grated cheese, 2 oz. butter, some squares of whole meal bread, pepper
and salt to taste. Peel and chop the onions, and fry them a nice brown in the butter. When
brown add to it the cheese and 3 pints of water. Boil all up together and season to taste.
Place the bread in the tureen, pour the boiling soup over it, and serve.


1 Tb. butter, 1 small onion, 1-1/2 c. bread, without crusts, 1 egg, 1 tsp. salt, 1/2 tsp. pepper, Dash of nutmeg, 1 Tb. chopped parsley and 1/2 c. sausage meat. Melt the butter in a
saucepan and add the onion finely chopped. Fry for several minutes over the fire. Soak the
bread in water until thoroughly softened and then squeeze out all the water. Mix with the
bread the egg, salt, pepper, nutmeg, parsley, and meat, and to this add also the butter and
fried onion. Form small balls of this mixture and sauté them in shallow fat, fry them in deep
fat, or, after brushing them over with fat, bake them in the oven. Place a few in each serving
of soup.


Take six well-filled ears of tender green corn. Run a sharp knife down the rows and split
each grain; then with the back of a knife, scraping from the large to the small end of the
ear, press out the pulp, leaving the hulls on the cob. Break the cobs if long, put them in cold
water sufficient to cover, and boil half an hour. Strain off the water, of which there should be
at least one pint. Put the corn water on again, and when boiling add the corn pulp, and cook
fifteen minutes, or until the raw taste is destroyed. Rub through a rather coarse colander,
add salt and a pint of hot unskimmed milk; if too thin, thicken with a little cornstarch or
flour, boil up, and serve. If preferred, a teaspoonful of sugar may be added to the soup. A
small quantity of cooked macaroni, cut in rings, makes a very pretty and palatable addition
to the soup. The soup is also excellent flavored with celery.


Gently simmer two quarts of shelled peas in sufficient water to cook, leaving almost no juice
when tender. Rub through a colander, moistening if necessary with a little cold milk. Add to
the sifted peas an equal quantity of rich milk and a small onion cut in halves. Boil all togeth er five or ten minutes until the soup is delicately flavored, then remove the onion with a
skimmer; add salt if desired, and serve. If preferred, a half-cup of thin cream may be added
just before serving. Celery may be used in place of the onion, or both may be omitted.


1/2 teacupful green peas, 1/4 oz. of butter, 1 spray of mint, a teaspoonful of fine meal, a
little milk, pepper and salt to taste. Boil the green peas in 1/2 pint of water, adding season ing and the mint. When the peas are tender, take out the mint, add the butter, smooth the
meal with a little milk, and thicken the soup. Let it cook for 2 to 3 minutes, and serve.


Take four pounds of knuckle of veal, and a pound of bacon. Cut them to pieces, and put
them into a soup kettle with a sprig of mint and four quarts of water. Boil it moderately fast,
and skim it well. When the meat is boiled to rags, strain it out, and put to the liquor a quart
of young green peas. Boil them till they are entirely dissolved, and till they have thickened
the soup, and given it a green color. You may greatly improve the color by pounding a hand ful of spinach in a mortar, straining the juice, and adding it to the soup about a quarter of an
hour before it has done boiling. Have ready two quarts of green peas that have been boiled
in another pot with a sprig of mint, and two or three lumps of loaf sugar, (which will greatly
improve the taste.) After they have boiled in this pot twenty minutes, take out the mint, put
the whole peas into the pot of soup, and boil all together about ten minutes. Then put it into
a tureen, and send it to table.


Prepare a quart of fresh string beans by pulling off ends and strings and breaking into small
pieces. Boil in a small quantity of water. If the beans are fresh and young, three pints will be
sufficient; if wilted or quite old, more will be needed, as they will require longer cooking.
There should be about a teacupful and a half of liquid left when the beans are perfectly
tender and boiled in pieces. Rub through a colander, return to the kettle, and for each cup of
the bean pulp add salt, a cup and a half of unskimmed milk; boil together for a few minutes,
thicken with a little flour, and serve. The quart of beans should be sufficient for three pints of


One turtle, two onions, a bunch of sweet herbs, juice of one lemon, five quarts of water, a
glass of Madeira.
After removing the entrails, cut up the coarser parts of the turtle meat and bones. Add four
quarts of water, and stew four hours with the herbs, onions, pepper and salt. Stew very
slowly; do not let it cease boiling during this time. At the end of four hours strain the soup,
and add the finer parts of the turtle and the green fat, which has been simmered one hour in two quarts of water. Thicken with brown flour; return to the soup-pot, and simmer gently for
an hour longer. If there are eggs in the turtle, boil them in a separate vessel for four hours,
and throw into the soup before taking up. If not, put in force meatballs; then the juice of the
lemon, and the wine; beat up at once and pour out. Some cooks add the finer meat before
straining, boiling all together five hours; then strain, thicken and put in the green fat, cut
into lumps an inch long. This makes a handsomer soup than if the meat is left in.


The bones of two roasted grouse and the breast of one, a quart of any kind of stock, or
pieces and bones of cold roasts; three quarts of cold water, two slices of turnip, two of carrot, two large onions, two cloves, two stalks of celery, a bouquet of sweet herbs, three table spoonfuls of butter, three of flour. Cook the grouse bones in three quarts of water four
hours. The last hour add the vegetables and the cloves; then strain, and return to the lire
with the quart of stock. Cook the butter and the flour together until a rich brown, and then
turn into the stock. Cut the breast of the grouse into very small pieces and add to the soup.
Season with salt and pepper and simmer gently half an hour. If there is any fat on the soup,
skim it off. Serve with fried bread. When bones and meat are used instead of the stock, use
one more quart of water, and cook them with the grouse bones.

Giblet Soup.

The giblets from two or three fowl or chickens, any kind of stock, or if there are remains of
the roast chickens, use these; one large onion, two slices of carrot, one of turnip, two stalks
of celery, two quarts of water, one of stock, two large table-spoonfuls of butter, two of flour,
salt, pepper. Put the giblets on to boil in the two quarts of water, and boil gently until re duced to one quart (it will take about two hours); then take out the giblets. Cut all the hard,
tough parts from the gizzards, and put hearts, livers and gizzards together and chop rather
coarse. Return them to the liquor in which they were boiled, and add the quart of stock.
Have the vegetables cut fine, and fry them in the butter until they are very tender (about fifteen minutes), but be careful they do not burn; then add the dry flour to them and stir until
the flour browns. Turn this mixture into the soup, and season with pepper and salt. Cook
gently half an hour and serve with toasted bread. If the chicken bones are used, put them
on to boil in three quarts of water, and boil the giblets with them.

Gumbo Soup.

Take two pounds fresh beef; put this in a dinner-pot, with two gallons of water; after boiling
two hours, throw in a quarter of a peck of ocra, cut into small slices, and about a quart of
ripe tomatoes, peeled and cut up; slice four or five large onions; fry them brown, and dust in
while they are frying from your dredge box, several spoonfuls of flour; add these, with pepper, salt and parsley, or other herbs, to your taste, about an hour before the soup is fin ished; it will require six hours moderate boiling.


1 lb. of haricot beans, 1/2 lb. of onions, 1 lb. of turnips, 2 carrots, 2 sticks of celery, 1 tea spoonful of mixed herbs, 1/2 oz. of parsley, 1 oz. of butter, 2 quarts of water, pepper and
salt to taste. Cut up the vegetables and set them to boil in the water with the haricot beans
(which should have been steeped over night in cold water), adding the butter, herbs, and
seasoning. Cook all very gently for 3-1/2 to 4 hours, stirring occasionally. When the beans
are quite tender, rub the soup through a sieve, adding more water if needed; return it to the
saucepan, add the parsley chopped up finely, boil it up and serve.


2 heaped breakfast-cups beans, 2 qts. Water, 3 tablespoons chopped parsley or 1/2 lb. tomatoes, nut or dairy butter size of walnut, 1 tablespoon lemon juice.
For this soup use the small white or brown haricots. Soak overnight in 1 qt. of the water. In
the morning add the rest of the water, and boil until soft. It may then be rubbed through a
sieve, but this is not imperative. Add the chopped parsley, the lemon juice, and the butter.
Boil up and serve. If tomato pulp is preferred for flavoring instead of parsley, skin the tomatoes and cook slowly to pulp (without water) before adding.


Take 2 oz. Macaroni, 2 quarts Water or Pot Boilings, 2 Tomatoes, 1 oz. Butter and 2 oz.
Cheese Rind. Put the water or stock on to boil, and when it boils put in the macaroni and
boil from twenty-five to thirty minutes. While it is boiling grate up a dry piece of cheese. Put
the tomatoes into boiling water and remove the skin, slice them up and put them into a
with the butter and some pepper and salt, and cook them for a few minutes. When the macaroni is soft, cut it into pieces one inch long, put a layer of tomatoes at the bottom of the
soup tureen, then a layer of grated cheese, then one of macaroni; repeat this until all the
materials are used up, pour over it boiling the liquor in which the macaroni has been cooked,
cover down for a few minutes, and serve.


Peel and boil eight medium-sized potatoes with a large onion sliced, some herbs, salt and
pepper; press all through a colander; then thin it with rich milk and add a lump of butter,
more seasoning, if necessary; let it heat well and serve hot.


Cut carrots and turnips into quarter-inch piece the shape of dice; also celery into thin slices.
Cover them with boiling water; add a teaspoonful of salt, half a teaspoonful pepper, and cook until soft. In another saucepan have two quarts of boiling stock, to which add the
cooked vegetables, the water and more seasoning if necessary. Serve hot. In the spring and
summer season use asparagus, peas and string beans - all cut into small uniform thickness.


The day before needed, put two pounds of beef cut from the lower part of the round, into
two quarts of cold water and let come slowly to the boil, skimming carefully until perfectly
clear. When this point is reached, add a small onion, two stalks of celery, two cloves, and
keep at the boiling point for seven hours; then strain into an earthen bowl and let cool until
next day. A half hour before needed, skim off all the fat, add pepper and salt to taste; also a
half pint of mixed vegetables which have been cooked in salted water and cut in uniform dice
shape. Let come to a boil, and serve.
Take 1 Ox Kidney, 2 Onions, 1 oz. Butter, 1 oz. Corn flour, 2 quarts Stock, Salt, Lemon Juice
and parsley as necessary. Slice up the onions and fry them in the butter, strain them out
and return the butter to the saucepan. Stir in the corn flour, and when well mixed pour over
the stock and stir until it boils. Slice the kidney up into small pieces, and put it in; simmer
very gently for one hour. Just before serving, season with salt and a little lemon juice; pour
into a tureen and sprinkle a little chopped parsley on top. This soup must be cooked very
slowly, or the kidney will be hard and tough.


Kornlet or canned green corn pulp, may be made into a most appetizing soup in a few
minutes by adding to a pint of kornlet an equal quantity of rich milk, heating to boiling, and
thickening it with a teaspoonful of flour rubbed smooth in a little cold milk.


Put together equal quantities of kornlet and strained stewed tomato, season with salt and
heat to boiling; add for each quart one fourth to one half cup of hot thin cream, thicken with
a tablespoonful of flour rubbed smooth in a little water, and serve. Cooked corn rubbed
through a colander may also be used for this soup.


Simmer a pint of lentils in water until tender. If desired to have the soup less dark in color
and less strong in flavor, the lentils may be first parboiled for a half hour, and then drained
and put into fresh boiling water. Much valuable nutriment is thus lost, however. When perfectly tender, mash through a colander to remove all skins; add salt and a cup of thin cream,
and it too thick, sufficient boiling milk or water to thin to the proper consistency, heat again
to boiling, and serve. If preferred, an additional quantity of liquid may be added and the soup
slightly thickened with browned flour.


4 breakfast-cups lentils, 1 carrot, 1 turnip, 2 onions, 4 qts. water, 4 sticks celery, 2 teaspoons herb powder, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 oz. butter.
Either the red or the green lentils may be used for this soup. If the latter, soak overnight.
Stew the lentils very gently in the water for 2 hours, taking off any scum that rises. Well
wash the vegetables, slice them, and add to the soup. Stew for 2 hours more. Then rub
through a sieve, or not, as preferred. Add the lemon juice, herb powder, and butter (nut or
dairy), and serve.


1 lb. each of lentils and potatoes, 1 large Spanish onion, 1 medium-sized head of celery (or
the outer pieces of a head of celery, saving the heart for table use), 1 breakfast cupful of
tinned tomatoes or 1/2 lb. of fresh ones, 1 oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste. Chop the
onion up roughly, and fry it in the butter until beginning to brown. Pick and wash the lentils,
and set them over the fire with 2 quarts of water or vegetable stock, adding the fried onion.
Peel, wash, and cut up the potatoes, prepare the celery, cut it into small pieces, and add all
to the lentils. When they are nearly soft add the tomatoes. When all the ingredients are
quite tender rub them through a sieve. Return the soup to the saucepan, add pepper and
salt, and more water if the soup is too thick. Serve with sippets of toast.


Cook together one pint of lentils and one half a small parsnip, sliced, until tender in a small
quantity of boiling water. When done, rub through a colander, and add boiling water to make
a soup of the proper consistency. Season with salt and if desired a little cream.


Take 1 small lettuce, Meat stock, 2 potatoes, The leaves of a head of celery, 2 tablespoons
of peas, fresh or canned, 1 heaping tablespoon of flour. Put the potatoes, cold boiled, into
the stock when it boils, add the celery leaves, the lettuce chopped up, the peas, and the
flour mixed well with a little cold stock or water. Boil for one hour and a half, and serve with
little squares of fried bread.


Take 6 Onions, 2 oz. Butter or Beef Dripping, 2 quarts of Water or Pot Liquor, Crusts of
Bread, Salt and Pepper as necessary. Peel and slice up the onions and put them into a
saucepan with the butter or dripping, and brown them. Then let them cook, covered over,
for an hour. Break in some brown dry crusts of bread. Pour over the boiling liquor the water in which some vegetables, such as carrots, turnips, or cauliflowers, have been boiled, stir it
well and boil for an hour; rub through a sieve. If it is not thick enough, let it boil again
without the lid for ten minutes. Season well with pepper and salt, and serve.


Simmer a pint of Lima beans gently in just sufficient water to cook and not burn, until they
have fallen to pieces. Add more boiling water as needed. When done, rub the beans through
a colander. Add rich milk or water to make of the proper consistency, and salt to season; reheat and serve. White beans may be used in place of Lima beans, but they require more
prolonged cooking. A heaping tablespoonful of pearl tapioca or sago previously soaked in
cold water,
may be added to the soup when it is reheated, if liked, and the whole cooked until the sago
is transparent.


2 bunches of leeks, 1-1/2 pints of milk, 1 oz. of butter, 1 lb. of potatoes, pepper and salt to
taste, and the juice of a lemon. Cut off the coarse part of the green ends of the leeks, and
cut the leeks lengthways, so as to be able to brush out the grit. Wash the leeks well, and see
no grit remains, then cut them in short pieces. Peel, wash, and cut up the potatoes, then
cook both vegetables with 2 pints of water. When the vegetables are quite tender, rub them
through a
sieve. Return the mixture to the saucepan, add the butter, milk, and seasoning, and boil the
soup up again. Before serving add the lemon juice; serve with sippets of toast.


1 dozen leeks, 1-1/2 pints of milk, 1 lb. of potatoes, 1 oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste,
and the juice of a lemon (this last may be omitted if not liked). Prepare the leeks as in the
previous recipe, cut them into pieces about an inch long. Peel and wash the potatoes and cut
them into dice. Set the vegetables over the fire with 1 quart of water, and cook them until
tender, which will be in about 1 hour. When soft rub all through a sieve and return the soup
to the saucepan. Add the milk, butter, and seasoning, boil up, and add the lemon juice just
before serving. Should the soup be too thick add a little hot water. Serve with Allinson plain


Have ready a good broth made of three pounds of veal boiled slowly in as much water as will
cover it, till the meat is reduced to shreds. It must then be well strained.
Having boiled one fine middle-sized lobster, extract all the meat from the body and claws.
Bruise part of the coral in a mortar, and also an equal quantity of the meat. Mix them well together. Add mace, cayenne, salt and pepper, and make them up into force meat balls,
binding the mixture with the yolk of an egg slightly beaten. Take three quarts of the veal
broth and put it into the meat of the lobster cut into mouthfuls. Boil it together about twenty
Then thicken it with the remaining coral (which you must first rub through a sieve), and add
the force meat balls and a little butter rolled in flour. Simmer it gently for ten minutes, but
do not let it come to a boil, as that will injure the color. Serve with small dice of bread fried
brown in butter.

Lobster Soup with Milk.

Meat of a small lobster, chopped fine; three crackers, rolled fine, butter size of an egg, salt
and pepper to taste and a speck of cayenne. Mix all in the same pan, and add, gradually, a
pint of boiling milk, stirring all the while. Boil up once, and serve.


Heat a quart of milk, to which has been added a tablespoonful of finely grated bread crust
(the brown part only, from the top of the loaf) and a slice of onion to flavor, in a double boil er.
When the milk is well flavored, remove the onion, turn through a colander, add salt, and
thicken with two teaspoonfuls of flour rubbed smooth in a little cold milk. Lastly add one
cupful of cooked macaroni, and serve.


1/2 lb. small macaroni, 2 qts. water or vegetable stock, 3/4 lb. onions or 1 lb. tomatoes.
Break the macaroni into small pieces and add to the stock when nearly boiling. Cook with
the lid off the saucepan until the macaroni is swollen and very tender. (This will take about
an hour.) If onions are used for flavoring, steam separately until tender, and add to soup
just before serving. If tomatoes are used, skin and cook slowly to pulp (without water) be fore adding. If the vegetable stock is already strong and well flavored, no addition of any
kind will be needed.


Boil two quarts of milk with a quarter of a pound of sweet almonds, and two ounces of bitter
ones, blanched and broken to pieces, and a large stick of cinnamon broken up. Stir in sugar
enough to make it very sweet. When it has boiled strain it. Cut some thin slices of bread,
and (having pared off the crust) toast them. Lay them in the bottom of a tureen, pour a little
of the hot milk over them, and cover them close, that they may soak. Beat the yolks of five
eggs very light Set the milk on hot coals, and add the eggs to it by degrees; stirring it all the time till it thickens. Then take it off instantly, lest it curdle, and pour it into the tureen, boil ing hot, over the bread. This will be still better if you cover the bottom with slices of
baked apple.


2 onions, 2 turnips, 1 head of celery, 3 pints of milk, 1 pint of water, 2 tablespoonfuls of
Allinson fine wheatmeal, pepper and salt to taste. Chop up the vegetables and boil them in
the water until quite tender. Rub them through a sieve, return the whole to the saucepan,
add pepper and salt, rub the wheatmeal smooth in the milk, let the soup simmer for 5
minutes, and serve.


Take 2 lbs. Potatoes, 1 oz. Butter, 1 Onion, 1/2 pint of Milk and 3 pints of Water. Peel,
wash, and slice up the potatoes and onions and put them into a saucepan with the butter,
and stir them about till all the butter is dissolved and worked into the potatoes, but they
must not get brown. Pour over the boiling water and boil until they are of a pulp, then rub
them through a sieve, return to the saucepan, add the milk and seasoning, and stir till it
boils. Pour into a hot tureen, and serve with fried bread.


1-1/2 pints of milk, 1 egg, 1 tablespoonful of Allinson fine wheat meal, 1-1/2 oz. of sultanas,
sugar to taste. Boil 1-1/4 pints of milk, add the sugar, beat up the egg with the rest of the
milk and mix the wheat meal smooth with it; stir this into the boiling milk, add the sultanas,
and let the soup simmer for 10 minutes.


2 oz. mushrooms cut up small, 1/2 small onion chopped fine, 1 dessertspoonful of fine
wheatmeal, pepper and salt, 1/2 oz. of butter, a little milk. Stew the mushrooms and onions
together in the butter until well cooked, add 1/2 pint of water, and cook the vegetables for
10 minutes. Add seasoning, and the meal smoothed in a little milk. Let the soup thicken and
boil up, and serve with sippets of toast.


Take 2 quarts Stock, 1 Apple, 1 Onion, 1 Carrot, 1/2 oz. Curry Powder, 1 oz. Flour and 1 oz.
Butter. The liquor in which poultry or a rabbit has been boiled is the best for this soup. Slice
up the apple, onion, and carrot, and fry them in the butter; sprinkle over the curry powder
and flour and brown that too; pour over the boiling stock and stir until it boils up, simmer
gently for one hour, then rub through a sieve and return to the saucepan. Bring to the boil,
flavour with salt and lemon juice. Pour into a warm tureen and serve. Send well-boiled rice
to the table with this soup.


One cupful of cooked veal or fowl meat, minced; mix with this a handful of fine bread
crumbs, the yolks of four hard-boiled eggs rubbed smooth together with a tablespoon of
milk; season with pepper and salt; add a half teaspoon of flour, and bind all together with
two beaten eggs; the hands to be well floured, and the mixture to be made into little balls
the size of a nutmeg; drop into the soup about twenty minutes before serving.
To make a good stock for noodle soup, take a small shank of beef, one of mutton, and another of veal; have the bones cracked and boil them together for twenty-four hours. Put with
them two good-sized potatoes, a carrot, a turnip, an onion, and some celery. Salt and pep per to taste. If liked, a bit of bay leaf may be added. When thoroughly well done, strain
through a colander and set aside until required for use. For the noodles, use one egg for an
ordinary family, and more in proportion to quantity required. Break the eggs into the flour,
add a little salt, and mix into a rather stiff dough. Roll very thin and cut into fine bits. Let
them dry for two hours, then drop them into the boiling stock about ten minutes before


Beat up one egg light, add a pinch of salt, and flour enough to make a very stiff dough; roll
out very thin, like thin pie crust, dredge with flour to keep from sticking. Let it remain on the
breadboard to dry for an hour or more; then roll it up into a tight scroll, like a sheet of music. Begin at the end and slice it into slips as thin as straws. After all are cut, mix them
lightly together, and to prevent them sticking, keep them floured a little until you are ready
to drop them into your soup which should be done shortly before dinner, for if boiled too
long they will go to pieces.


One quart of milk, six large onions, yolks of four eggs, three tablespoonfuls of butter, a large
one of flour, one cupful of cream, salt, pepper. Put the butter in a frying-pan. Cut the onions
into thin slices and drop in the butter. Stir until they begin to cook; then cover tight and set
back where they will simmer, but not burn, for half an hour. Now put the milk on to boil, and
then add the dry flour to the onions, and stir constantly for three minutes over the fire. Then
turn the mixture into the milk and cook fifteen minutes. Rub the soup through a strainer, re turn to the fire, season with salt and pepper. Beat the yokes of the eggs well; add the cream
to them and stir into the soup. Cook three minutes, stirring constantly. If you have no
cream, use milk, in which case add a tablespoonful of butter at the same time.


Take 4 Onions, 1 oz. Butter, 1 1/2 oz. Flour, 1 gill of Milk, 2 quarts of Stock, Salt and Pepper
as necessary. Peel and slice up the onions and fry them in the butter till they are a good
brown color. Sprinkle over the flour and brown that too. Pour on the boiling stock and boil
steadily till the onions are very soft, then rub through a sieve. If there is any fat on it re move it carefully, pour back into the saucepan, add the milk, pepper, and salt, and boil up.
Just before serving put in a few drops of lemon juice. Send fried bread to table with it.


1 small Spanish onion, 1 medium-sized potato, 1/4 oz. of butter, pepper and salt and a
pinch of mixed herbs, a little milk. Cut up the vegetables and cook them in 1/2 pint of water,
adding a little herbs. When tender, rub the vegetables through a sieve, return the soup to
the saucepan, add the butter and seasoning, and serve.


6 oz. of coarse oatmeal, the outer part of a head of celery, 1 Spanish onion, 1 turnip, 1 oz.
of butter, and pepper and salt. Wash and cut the vegetables up small, set them over the fire
with 2 quarts of water. When boiling, stir in the oatmeal and allow all to cook gently for 2
hours. Rub the mixture well through a sieve, adding hot water it necessary. Return the soup
to the saucepan, add the butter and pepper and salt, and let it boil up. The soup should be
of a smooth, creamy consistency. Serve with sippets of toast or Allinson plain rusks.


Put two heaping tablespoonfuls of oatmeal into a quart of boiling water, and cook in a double
boiler for two hours or longer. Strain as for gruel, add salt if desired, and two or three stalks
of celery broken into finger lengths, and cook again until the whole is well flavored with the
celery, which may then be removed with a fork; add a half cup of cream, and the soup is
ready to serve. Cold oatmeal mush may be thinned with milk, reheated, strained, flavored,
and made into soup the same as fresh material. A slice or two of onion may be used with the
celery for flavoring the soup if desired, or a cup of strained stewed tomato may be added.

Okra Soup.

One cold roast chicken, two quarts of stock (any kind), one of water, quarter of a pound of
salt pork, one quart of green okra, an onion, salt, pepper, three table-spoonfuls of flour. Cut
the okra pods into small pieces. Slice the pork and onion. Fry the pork, and then add the
onion and okra. Cover closely, and fry half an hour. Cut all the meat from the chicken. Put
the bones on with the water. Add the okra and onion, first being careful to press out all the
pork fat possible. Into the fat remaining put the flour, and stir until it becomes a rich brown;
add this to the other ingredients. Cover the pot, and simmer three hours; then rub through a
sieve, and add the stock, salt and pepper and the meat of the chicken, cut into small pieces.
Simmer gently twenty minutes. Serve with a dish of boiled rice.


Two ox-tails, two slices of beef, one ounce of butter, two carrots, two turnips, three onions,
one leek, one head of celery, one bunch of savory herbs, pepper, a tablespoonful of salt, two
tablespoonfuls of catsup, one-half glass of port wine, three quarts of water. Cut up the tails,
separating them at the joints; wash them, and put them in a stew pan with the butter. Cut
the vegetables and beef in slices and add them with the herbs. Put in one-half pint of water,
and stir it over a quick fire till the juices are drawn. Fill up the stew pan with water, and,
when boiling, add the salt. Skim well, and simmer very gently for four hours, or until the
tails are tender. Take them out, skim and strain the soup, thicken with flour, and flavor with
the catsup and port wine. Put back the tails; simmer for five minutes and serve.


Two quarts of oysters, one quart of milk, two tablespoonfuls of butter, one teacupful of hot
water; pepper, salt. Strain all the liquor from the oysters; add the water, and heat. When
near the boil, add the seasoning, then the oysters. Cook about five minutes from the time
they begin to simmer, until they "ruffle." Stir in the butter, cook one minute, and pour into
the tureen. Stir in the boiling milk and send to table. Some prefer all water in place of milk.


Scald one gallon of oysters in their own liquor. Add one quart of rich milk to the liquor, and
when it comes to a boil, skim out the oysters and set aside. Add the yolks of four eggs, two
good tablespoonfuls of butter, and one of flour, all mixed well together, but in this order
-first, the milk, then, after beating the eggs, add a little of the hot liquor to them gradually,
and stir them rapidly into the soup. Lastly, add the butter and whatever seasoning you fancy
besides plain pepper and salt, which must both be put in to taste with caution. Celery salt
most persons like extremely; others would prefer a little marjoram or thyme; others again
mace and a bit of onion. Use your own discretion in this regard.


Take a quart of well scraped, thinly sliced parsnips, one cup of bread crust shavings (prepared as for Brown Soup), one head of celery, one small onion, and one pint of sliced potatoes. The parsnips used should be young and tender, so that they will cook in about the
same length of time as the other vegetables. Use only sufficient water to cook them. When
done, rub through a colander and add salt and sufficient rich milk, part cream if desired, to
make of the proper consistency. Reheat and serve.


Wash, pare, and slice equal quantities of parsnips and potatoes. Cook, closely covered, in a
small quantity of water until soft. If the parsnips are not young and tender, they must be put
to cook first, and the potatoes added when they are half done. Mash through a colander. Add
salt, and milk to make of the proper consistency, season with cream, reheat and serve.


Soak one pint of Scotch peas over night. When ready to cook, put into a quart of boiling water and simmer slowly until quite dry and well disintegrated. Rub through a colander to re move the skins. Add a pint of hot water, one cup of mashed potato, two cups of strained
stewed tomato, and one cup of twelve-hour cream. Turn into a double-boiler and cook to gether for a half hour or longer; turn a second time through a colander or soup strainer and
serve. The proportions
given are quite sufficient for two quarts of soup. There may need to be some variation in the
quantity of tomato to be used, depending upon its thickness. If very thin, a larger quantity
and less water will be needed. The soup should be a rich reddish brown in color when done.
The peas may be cooked without being first soaked, if preferred.


4 cups split peas, 1 carrot, 1 turnip, 2 onions, 4 qts. Water, 4 sticks celery, 2 teaspoons herb
powder, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 oz. butter.
soak the split peas overnight. Stew the peas very gently in the water for 2 hours, taking off
any scum that rises. Well wash the vegetables, slice them, and add to the soup. Stew for 2
hours more. Then rub through a sieve, or not, as preferred. Add the lemon juice, herb
powder, and butter (nut or dairy), and serve.


1 lb. pears, 1 qt. water, sugar and flavoring, 1 tablespoon sago.
Wash the pears and cut into quarters, but do not peel or core. Put into a saucepan with the
water and sugar and flavouring to taste. When sweet, ripe pears can be obtained, people
with natural tastes will prefer no addition of any kind. Otherwise, a little cinnamon, cloves,
or the yellow part of lemon rind may be added. Stew until the pears are soft. Strain through
a sieve, rubbing the pear pulp through, but leaving cores, etc., behind. Wash the sago, add
to the strained soup, and boil gently for 1 hour. Stir now and then, as the sago is apt to stick
to the pan.


1 lb. plum, 1 qt. water, sugar and flavoring, 1-tablespoon sago.
Wash the plums and cut into quarters, but do not peel or core. Put into a saucepan with the
water and sugar and flavoring to taste. When sweet, ripe plums can be obtained, people with natural tastes will prefer no addition of any kind. Otherwise, a little cinnamon, cloves, or the
yellow part of lemon rind may be added. Stew until the plums are soft. Strain through a
sieve, rubbing the plum pulp through, but leaving cores, etc., behind. Wash the sago, add to
the strained soup, and boil gently for 1 hour. Stir now and then, as the sago is apt to stick to
the pan.


Peel thinly 2 lbs. potatoes. (A floury kind should be used for this soup.) Cut into small
pieces, and put into a saucepan with enough water to cover them. Add three large onions
(sliced), unless tomatoes are preferred for flavoring. Bring to the boil, then simmer until the
potatoes are cooked to a mash. Rub through a sieve or beat with a fork. Now add 3/4 pint
water or 1 pint milk, and a little nutmeg if liked. Boil up and serve. If the milk is omitted, the
juice and pulp of two or three tomatoes may be added, and the onions may be left out also.


For each quart of soup required, cook a pint of sliced potatoes in sufficient water to cover
them. When tender, rub through a colander. Return to the fire, and add enough rich, sweet
part cream if it can be afforded to make a quart in all, and a little salt. Let the soup come to
a boil, and add a teaspoonful of flour or corn starch, rubbed to a paste with a little water;
boil a few minutes and serve. A cup and a half of cold mashed potato or a pint of sliced
baked potato can be used instead of fresh material; in which case add the milk and heat before rubbing through the colander. A slice of onion or a stalk of celery may be simmered in
the soup for a few minutes to flavor, and then removed with a skimmer or a spoon. A good
mixed potato soup is made by using one third sweet and two thirds Irish potatoes, in the
same manner as above.


2 lbs. of potatoes, 1/2 stick of celery or the outer stalks of a head of celery, saving the heart
for table use; 1 large Spanish onion, 1 pint of milk, 1 oz. of butter, a heaped up tablespoon ful of finely chopped parsley, and pepper and salt to taste. Peel, wash, and cut in pieces the
potatoes, peel and chop roughly the onion, prepare and cut in small pieces the celery. Cook
the vegetables in three pints of water until they are quite soft. Rub them through a sieve, re turn the fluid mixture to the saucepan; add the milk, butter, and seasoning, and boil the
soup up again; if too thick add more water. Mix the parsley in the soup just before serving.


1-1/2 c. sliced potatoes, 1 small onion, sliced, 1 c. water, 1-1/2 c. milk, 1 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. pepper and 2 Tb. butter.
Cook the potatoes and onion in the water until they are soft, but not soft enough to fall to
pieces. Rub half of the potatoes through a sieve and return to the sliced ones. Add the milk,
salt, pepper, and butter. Cook together for a few minutes and serve.


Cook a quart of sliced potatoes in as little water as possible. When done, rub through a
colander. Add salt, a quart of rich milk, and reheat. If desired, season with a slice of onion, a
stalk of celery, or a little parsley. Just before serving, add a half cup of cream and a cup and
a half of well-cooked rice with unbroken grains. Stir gently and serve at once.


Breakup a cupful of vermicelli and drop into boiling water. Let it cook for ten or fifteen
minutes, and then turn into a colander to drain. Have ready a potato soup prepared the
same as in the proceeding; stir the vermicelli lightly into it just before serving.


Wash and pick over four tablespoonfuls of rice, put it in an earthen dish with a quart of water, and place in a moderate oven. When the water is all absorbed, add a quart of rich milk,
and salt if desired; turn into a granite kettle and boil ten minutes, or till the rice is done. Add
a half cup of sweet cream and serve. A slice of onion or stalk of celery can be boiled with the
soup after putting in the kettle, and removed before serving, if desired to flavor.


1 lb. of split peas, 1 lb. of potatoes, peeled, washed, and cut into pieces, 1 Spanish onion, 1
carrot, 1 turnip, 1/2 head of celery or a whole small one, 1 oz. of butter, pepper and salt to
taste, Pick and wash the peas, and set them to boil in 2 quarts of water. Add the potatoes
and the other vegetables, previously prepared and cut into small pieces, the butter and
seasoning. When all the ingredients are soft, rub them through a sieve and return them to
the saucepan. If the soup is too thick, add more water. Boil it up, and serve with fresh
chopped mint, or fried dice of Allinson wholemeal bread. Allow 3 to 4 hours for the soup.


Put a quart of dried peas into five quarts of water; boil for four hours; then add three or four
large onions, two heads of celery, a carrot, two turnips, all cut up rather fine. Season with
pepper and salt. Boil two hours longer, and if the soup becomes too thick add more water.
Strain through a colander and stir in a tablespoonful of cold butter. Serve hot, with small
pieces of toasted bread placed in the bottom of the tureen.


Put two pounds of tripe and four calves' feet into the soup-pot and cover them with cold water; add a red pepper, and boil closely until the calves' feet are boiled very tender; take out
the meat, skim the liquid, stir it, cut the tripe into small pieces, and put it back into the li quid; if there is not enough liquid, add boiling water; add half a teaspoonful of sweet marjoram, sweet basil, and thyme, two sliced onions, sliced potatoes, salt. When the vegetables
have boiled until almost tender, add a piece of butter rolled in flour, drop in some egg balls,
and boil fifteen minutes more. Take up and serve hot.
Philadelphia Clam Soup.
Twenty-five small clams, one quart of milk, half a cupful of butter, one table-spoonful of
chopped parsley, three potatoes, two large table-spoonfuls of flour, salt, pepper. The clams
should be chopped fine end put into a colander to drain. Pare the potatoes, and chop rather
fine. Put them on to boil with the milk, in a double kettle. Rub the butter and flour together
until perfectly creamy, and when the milk and potatoes have been boiling fifteen minutes,
stir this in, and cook eight minutes more. Add the parsley, pepper and salt, and cook three
minutes longer. Now add the clams. Cook one minute longer, and serve. This gives a very
delicate soup, as the liquor from the clams is not used.


4 onions, 4 tomatoes, 1 oz. of grated cheese, 1/4 lb. of stale Allinson whole meal bread, 1
quart of water, 1 oz. of butter, 1 even teaspoonful of herbs, pepper and salt to taste. Slice
the onions and fry them until brown, add the tomatoes skinned and sliced, the water, herbs,
and pepper and salt, and let the whole boil gently for 1 hour. Cut up the bread into dice, and
put it into the tureen, pour the soup over it, cover, and let it stand for 10 minutes to allow
the bread to soak; sprinkle the cheese over before serving.

Pumpkin Soup.

Two pounds of pumpkin. Take out seeds and pare off the rind. Cut into small pieces, and put
into a stew-pan with half a pint of water. Simmer slowly an hour and a half, then rub
through a sieve and put back on the fire with one and a half pints of boiling milk, butter the
size of an egg, one tea-spoonful of sugar, salt and pepper to taste, and three slices of stale
bread, cut into small squares. Stir occasionally; and when it boils, serve.


3 oz. of rice, 4 oz. of grated cheese, a breakfast cupful of tomato juice, 1 oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste. Boil the rice till tender in 2-1/2 pints of water, with the butter and
seasoning. When quite soft, add the tomato juice and the cheese; stir until the soup boils
and the cheese is dissolved, and serve. If too much of the water has boiled away, add a little


1 dessertspoonful of rice, 3/4 pint water, 1/4 pint milk, 1 oz. grated cheese, 1/4 oz. butter,
seasoning to taste. Cook the rice in the milk and water until tender, then add the cheese,
butter, and seasoning, and let the soup boil up until the cheese is dissolved.


2 oz. of rice, 1 breakfast cupful of shelled green peas, 1 pint of milk, 1 quart of water, 1 oz.
of butter. Boil the rice in the water for 10 minutes, add the peas, the butter and pepper and
salt to taste. Let it cook until the rice and peas are tender, add the milk and boil the soup up
before serving.


4 onions, 3 oz. of rice, 1-1/2 oz. of butter, 3 pints of water, pepper and salt. Chop the onions
up very finely, and fry them with the butter until slightly browned; add the rice, seasoning,
and water, and let the whole cook gently until quite soft. A tablespoonful of finely chopped
parsley may be added.


4 large potatoes, 1 pint of clear tomato juice (from tinned tomatoes), 1 pint of milk, 1 pint of
water, 2 eggs, 1 oz. of butter, seasoning to taste. Boil the potatoes in their skins; when
tender peel and pass them through a potato masher. Put the potatoes into a saucepan with
the butter, tomato juice, and water, adding pepper and salt to taste. Allow the soup to sim mer for 10 minutes, then add the milk; boil up again, remove the saucepan to the cool side
of the stove and stir in the eggs well beaten. Serve at once with sippets of toast, or Allinson
plain rusks.


1-1/2 lbs. of French beans or scarlet runners, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 1 stick of celery, 1/2 oz. of
butter, 1 teaspoonful of thyme, 2 quarts of water, pepper and salt to taste, and 2 oz. of
Allinson fine wheatmeal. String the beans and break them up in small pieces, cut up the other vegetables and add them to the water, which should be boiling; add also the butter and
pepper and salt. Allow all to cook until thoroughly tender, then rub through a sieve. Return
the soup to the saucepan (adding more water if it has boiled away much), and thicken it with
the wheatmeal; let it simmer for 5 minutes, and serve with fried sippets of bread .


1/2 lb. of sorrel, 1-1/2 lbs. of potatoes, 1 oz. of butter, pepper and salt, 3 pints of water.
Pick, wash, and chop fine the sorrel, peel and cut up in slices the potatoes, and set both over
the fire with the water, butter, and seasoning to taste; when the potatoes are quite tender,
pass the soup through a sieve. Serve with sippets of toast.


1 lb. of sorrel, 1 large Spanish onion, 3 pints of water, 1 oz. of butter, pepper and salt to
taste, 1/2 lb. of Allinson wholemeal bread cut into small dice. Pick, wash, and chop up the
sorrel, chop up the onion, and boil both with the water, butter, pepper, and salt until the
onion is quite tender. Place the bread in the soup-tureen and pour the soup over it. Cover it
up, and let the bread soak for a few minutes before serving.


3 pints of chestnuts peeled and skinned, 2 Spanish onions, 6 potatoes, 2 turnips cut up in
dice, 1 teaspoonful of thyme, 1 dessertspoonful of vinegar, 2 oz. of grated cheese, 1 oz. of
butter, 2 quarts of water, pepper and salt to taste. Boil the chestnuts and vegetables gently
until quite tender, which will take 1-1/2 hours. Rub them through a sieve and return the
soup to the saucepan; add the butter; vinegar, and pepper and salt to taste. Let it boil 10
minutes, and sift in the cheese before serving.


2 lbs. of spinach, 1 chopped up onion, 1 oz. of butter, 1 pint of milk, the juice of 1 lemon, 1-1/2 oz. of Allinson fine wheatmeal, and pepper and salt to taste. This will make about 3 pints
of soup. Wash the spinach well, and cook it in 1 pint of water with the onion and seasoning.
When the spinach is quite soft, rub all through a sieve. Mix the wheatmeal with the melted
butter as in the previous recipe, stir into it the spinach, add the milk; boil all up, and add the
lemon juice last of all. If the soup is too thick, add a little water.


Pick, wash and boil enough spinach to measure a pint, when cooked, chopped and pounded
into a soft paste. Put it into a stewpan with four ounces of fresh butter, a little grated nut meg, a teaspoonful of salt. Cook and stir it about ten minutes. Add to this two quarts of
strong stock let boil up, then rub it through a strainer. Set it over the fire again, and, when
on the point of boiling, mix with it a tablespoonful of butter, and a teaspoonful of granulated


2 carrots, 1 turnip, 1/2 head celery, 10 small spring onions, 1 tea-cup of cauliflower cut into
little branches, heart of small white cabbage lettuce, small handful of sorrel, 1 leaf each of
chervil and of tarragon, 1/4 pint of peas, 1/4 pint asparagus points, 1/4 pint croutons, 1
quart of water. Cut the carrots and turnip into small rounds, or to shape; add them with the
chopped-up celery, whole onions, and cauliflower, to a quart of water, and bring to the boil;
simmer for 1/2 an hour. Stamp the sorrel and lettuce into small round pieces, and add them
with the leaf of chervil and tarragon to the soup, together with 1 teaspoonful of sugar. When
all is quite tender add the peas and asparagus points, freshly cooked; serve with croutons.


Half pint green peas, two shredded lettuces, one onion, a small bunch of parsley, two ounces
butter, the yolks of three eggs, one pint of water, one and a half quarts of soup stock. Put in
a stewpan the lettuce, onion, parsley and butter, with one pint of water, and let them simmer till tender. Season with salt and pepper. When done, strain off the vegetables, and put
two-thirds of the liquor wit h the stock. Beat up the yolks of the eggs with the other third,
toss it over the fire, and at the moment of serving add this with the vegetables to the
strained-off soup.


1 cucumber, 2 cabbage lettuces, 1 onion, small handful of spinach, a piece of mint, 1 pint
shelled peas, 2 oz. butter. Wash and cut up the lettuces, also cut up the cucumber and
onion, put them into a stewpan, together with 1/2 pint of peas, the mint, and butter. Cover
with about 1 quart of cold water, bring to the boil, and simmer gently for 3 hours. Then
strain off the liquid and pass the vegetables through a sieve. Add them to the liquid again,
and set on the fire. Season and add 1/2 pint green peas previously boiled.


6 ozs. sago, 2 qts. stock, juice of 1 lemon.
Wash the sago and soak it for 1 hour. Put it in a saucepan with the lemon juice and stock,
and stew for 1 hour.


cook a pint of sliced potatoes in sufficient water to cover them. When tender, rub through a
colander. Return to the fire, and add enough rich, sweet milk and a little salt. Let the soup
come to a boil, and add a teaspoonful of flour or corn starch, rubbed to a paste with a little
water; boil a few minutes. When seasoned and ready to reheat, turn a second time through
the colander, and add for each quart of soup, one heaping tablespoonful of sago which has been soaked for twenty minutes in just enough water to cover. Boil together five or ten
minutes, or until the sago is transparent, and serve.


1/2 gill of milk, 1 gill water, 1/2 oz. semolina, a very small piece of mace, 1/4 oz. butter, 1/2
oz. grated cheese, pepper and salt to taste. Bring the milk and water to the boil with the
mace, thicken with the semolina; cook gently for 10 minutes, remove the mace, add cheese,
butter, and seasoning, and serve.


For each quart of soup desired, simmer a cupful of split peas very slowly in three pints of
boiling water for six hours, or until thoroughly dissolved. When done, rub through a colander, add salt and season with one half cup of thin cream. Reheat, and when boiling, stir into
it two teaspoonfuls of flour rubbed smooth in a little cold water. Boil up until thickened, and
serve. If preferred, the cream may be omitted and the soup flavored with a little celery or


2 oz. of split peas cooked overnight, 3 oz. of potatoes cut into pieces, a piece of celery, a
slice of Spanish onion chopped up, seasoning to taste. Soak the peas in water overnight,
after picking them over and washing them. Set them over the fire in the morning, and cook
them with the vegetables till quite tender. Then rub all through a sieve. Return to the sauce pan, add pepper and salt, and a little water if necessary; boil up, and serve with sippets of


Ingredients: 3/4 c. split peas, 1 pt. white stock, 1 tsp. salt, 1/8 tsp. pepper, 2 Tb. butter
and 2 Tb. flour.
Soak the peas overnight, and cook in sufficient water to cover well until they are soft. When
thoroughly soft, drain the water from the peas and put them through a colander. Heat the
stock and add to it the pea puree, salt, and pepper. Rub the butter and flour together,
moisten with some of the warm liquid, and add to the soup. Cook for a few minutes and


Pare and cut up into small pieces, enough white turnips to fill a pint cup, and cook in a small
quantity of water. When tender, add three pints of sliced potatoes, and let them boil togeth er until of the consistency of mush. Add hot water if it has boiled away so that there is not sufficient to cook the potatoes. When done, drain, rub through a colander, add a pint and a
half of milk and a cup of thin cream, salt if desired, and if too thick, a little more milk or a
sufficient quantity of hot water to make it of the proper consistency. This should be sufficient
for two and a half quarts of soup.


Cook a pint of brown lentils in a small quantity of boiling water. Add to the lentils when
about half done, one medium sized onion cut in halves or quarters. When the lentils are
tender, remove the onion with a fork, and rub the lentils through a colander. Add sufficient
boiling water to make three pints in all. Season with salt, reheat to boiling, and thicken the
whole with four table spoonfuls of browned flour, rubbed to a cream in a little cold water.


Take sufficient quantity of broth for 3 people, then boil it; beat up 1 egg well, two spoonfuls
of flour, one cup milk; pour these gradually through a sieve into the boiling soup; add salt
and pepper as necessary.


Three cups of sifted flour in which three teaspoonfuls of baking powder have been sifted;
one cup of finely chopped suet, well rubbed into the flour, with a teaspoonful of salt. Wet all
with sweet milk to make a dough as stiff as biscuit. Make into small balls as large as
peaches, well floured. Drop into the soup three-quarters of an hour before being served. This
requires steady boiling, being closely covered, and the cover not to be removed until taken
up to serve. A very good form of pot-pie.


Wash and quarter three or four good sized squirrels; put them on, with a small tablespoonful
of salt, directly after breakfast, in a gallon of cold water. Cover the pot close, and set it on
the back part of the stove to simmer gently, not boil. Add vegetables just the same as you
do in case of other meat soups in the summer season, but especially good will you find corn,
Irish potatoes, tomatoes and Lima beans. Strain the soup through a coarse colander when
the meat has
boiled to shreds, so as to get rid of the squirrels' troublesome little bones. Then return to the
pot, and after boiling a while longer, thicken with a piece of butter rubbed in flour. Celery
and parsley leaves chopped up are also considered an improvement by many. Toast two
slices of bread, cut them into dice one-half inch square, fry them in butter, put them into the
bottom of your tureen, and then pour the soup boiling hot upon them. Very good.


1-1/2 lbs. of tomatoes (or 1 tin of tomatoes), 1 oz. of butter, 3 pints of water (only 2 if
tinned tomatoes are used), 2 oz. of rice, 1 large onion, 1 teaspoonful of herbs, pepper and salt to taste. Cut the tomatoes into slices, chop fine the onion, and let them cook with the
water for about 20 minutes. Strain the mixture, return the liquid to the saucepan, and add
the other ingredients and seasoning. Let the soup cook gently until the rice is tender.


1 tin of tomatoes, or 2 lbs. of fresh ones, 1 large Spanish onion or 2 small ones, 2 oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste, 1 oz. vermicelli, and 2 bay leaves (these may be left out it de sired). Peel the onion and chop it up roughly. Fry it brown with the butter in the saucepan in
which the soup should be made. When the onion is browned add the tomatoes (the fresh
ones should be sliced), the bay leaves and 3 pints of water; let all cook together for 1/2 an
hour. Then drain the liquid through a strainer or sieve without rubbing anything through; re turn the soup to the saucepan, add seasoning and the vermicelli, and allow the soup to cook
until the vermicelli is soft, which will take from 5 to 10 minutes.


Break a half dozen sticks of macaroni into small pieces, and drop into boiling water. Cook for
an hour, or until perfectly tender. Rub two quarts of stewed or canned tomatoes through a
colander, to remove all seeds and fragments. When the macaroni is done, drain thoroughly,
cut each piece into tiny rings, and add it to the strained tomatoes. Season with salt, and boil
for a few minutes. If desired, just before serving add a cup of thin cream, boil up once, and
serve immediately. If the tomato is quite thin, the soup should be slightly thickened with a
little flour before adding the macaroni.


Heat two quarts of strained, stewed tomatoes to boiling; add four tablespoonfuls of flour
rubbed smooth in a little cold water. Let the tomatoes boil until thickened, stirring constantly
that no lumps form; add salt to season. Have ready two cups of hot rich milk or thin cream.
Add the cream or milk hot, and let all boil together for a minute or two, then serve.


Take one quart of okra thinly sliced, and two quarts of sliced tomatoes. Simmer gently from
one to two hours. Rub through a colander, heat again to boiling, season with salt and cream
if desired, and serve. Canned okra and tomatoes need only to be rubbed through a colan der, scalded and seasoned, to make a most excellent soup. If preferred, one or two potatoes
may be sliced and cooked, rubbed through a colander, and added.


Cook a cupful of broken vermicelli in a pint of boiling water for ten minutes. Turn into a
colander to drain. Have boiling two quarts of strained, stewed tomatoes, to which add the
vermicelli. If preferred, the tomato may be thickened slightly with a little cornstarch rubbed
smooth in cold water before adding the vermicelli. Salt to taste, and just before serving turn
in a cup of hot, thin cream. Let all boil up for a moment, then serve at once.


2 oz. of tapioca, 1 lb. of tomatoes, 1 carrot, 1 turnip, 1 teaspoonful of herbs, 1 blade of
mace, 1 oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste, and 3 pints of water. Peel, wash, and cut up
finely the vegetables and stew them in the butter for 10 minutes. Add the water, the toma toes skinned and cut in slices, the herbs and seasoning to taste; when the soup is boiling,
sprinkle in the tapioca, let all cook until quite tender, pass the soup through a sieve, return it
to the saucepan, and boil it up before serving.


One quart of white stock; one pint of cream or milk; one onion; two stalks celery; one-third
of a cupful of tapioca; two cupfuls of cold water; one tablespoonful of butter; a small piece of
mace; salt, pepper. Wash the tapioca and soak over night in cold water. Cook it and the
stock together very gently for one hour. Cut the onion and celery into small pieces, and put
on to cook for twenty minutes with the milk and mace. Strain on the tapioca and stock. Season with salt and pepper, add butter and serve.


1/4 lb. turnip, a small onion, and 2 oz. of potato, a little butter and seasoning, 1/2 pint water. Wash, peel, and cut up the vegetables, and cook them in the water until tender. Rub
them through a sieve, return the mixture to the saucepan, add butter and seasoning, boil
up, and serve.


Take the turkey bones and boil three-quarters of an hour in water enough to cover them;
add a little summer savory and celery chopped fine. Just before serving, thicken with a little
flour (browned), and season with pepper, salt and a small piece of butter. This is a cheap but
good soup, using the remains of cold turkey which might otherwise be thrown away.


Soak over night one quart of black beans; next day boil them in the proper quantity of water, say a gallon, then dip the beans out of the pot and strain them through a colander. Then
return the flour of the beans, thus pressed, into the pot in which they were boiled. Tie up in
a thin cloth some thyme, a teaspoonful of summer savory and parsley, and let it boil in the
mixture. Add a tablespoonful of cold butter, salt and pepper. Have ready four hard-boiled
yolks of eggs quartered, and a few force meat balls; add this to the soup with a sliced lemon, and half a glass of wine just before serving the soup. This approaches so near in flavor
to the real turtle soup that few are able to distinguish the difference.


Soak a cupful of white beans over night in cold water. When ready to cook, put into fresh
boiling water and simmer until tender. When nearly done, add three large potatoes sliced,
two or three slices of white turnip, and one large parsnip cut in slices. When done, rub
through a colander, add milk or water to make of proper consistency, season with salt and
cream, reheat and serve. This quantity of material is sufficient for two quarts of soup.


Prepare a quart of bran stock as previously directed. Heat to boiling, and add to it one teaspoonful of grated carrot, a slice of onion, and a half cup of tomato. Cook together in a
double boiler for half an hour. Remove the slice of onion, and add salt and a half cup of
turnip previously cooked and cut in small dice.


2 large turnips, 2 large carrots, 2 Spanish onions, 1 teacupful of pearl barley, 1-1/2 oz. butter, 1/2 pint of milk, salt and pepper to taste. Cover the vegetables with cold water and al low them to boil from 2 to 3 hours, then rub through a sieve and add butter and milk. It too
thick, add more milk. Boil up and serve.


1 medium-sized marrow, 1 onion, 1/2 oz. of finely chopped parsley, 2 tablespoonfuls of
Allinson fine wheatmeal, 1 pint of milk, 1 quart of water, 1/2 oz. of butter, pepper and salt
to taste. Remove the pips from the marrow, cut it into pieces, chop up fine the onions, and
cook the vegetables for 20 minutes, adding the butter, pepper, and salt. Rub through a
sieve, return the soup to the saucepan, rub the fine wheatmeal smooth with the milk, add
this to the soup, allow it to simmer for 5 minutes, and add the parsley before serving.


Scrape all the outer covering and small rootlets from vegetable oysters, and lay them in a
pan of cold water to prevent discoloration. The scraping can be done much easier if the roots
are allowed first to stand in cold water for an hour or so. Slice rather thin, enough to make
one quart, and put to cook in a quart of water. Let them boil slowly until very tender. Add a
pint of milk, a cup of thin cream, salt, and when boiling, a tablespoonful or two of flour,
rubbed to a cream with a little milk. Let the soup boil a few minutes until thickened, and


Prepare and slice a pint of vegetable oysters and a pint and a half of potatoes. Put the
oysters to cook first, in sufficient water to cook both. When nearly done, add the potatoes
and cook all till tender. Rub through a colander, or if preferred, remove the pieces of
oysters, and rub the potato only through the colander, together with the water in which the
oysters were cooked, as that will contain all the flavor. Return to the fire, and add salt, a
pint of strained, stewed tomatoes, and when boiling, the sliced oysters if desired, a cup of
thin cream and a cup of milk, both previously heated; serve at once.


Pour three pints of hot potato soup, seasoned to taste, slowly over the well-beaten yolks of
two eggs, stirring briskly to mix the egg perfectly with the soup. It must not be reheated
after adding the egg. Plain rice or barley soup may be used in place of potato soup, if preferred.


Swell quarter of a pound of vermicelli in a quart of warm water, then add it to a good beef,
veal, lamb, or chicken soup or broth, with quarter of a pound of sweet butter; let the soup
boil for fifteen minutes after it is added.


Lightly fill a cup with broken vermicelli. Turn it into a pint of boiling water, and cook for ten
or fifteen minutes. Drain off all the hot water and put into cold water for a few minutes.
Turn into a colander and drain again; add three pints of milk, salt to taste, and heat to boiling. Have the yolks of three eggs well beaten, and when the soup is boiling, turn it gradually
onto the eggs, stirring briskly that they may not curdle. Return to the kettle, reheat nearly
to boiling, and serve at once.


Cook a cupful of sliced vegetable oysters, a stalk or two of celery, two slices of onion, a
parsnip, and half a carrot in water just sufficient to cover well. Meanwhile put a cupful of
vermicelli in a quart of milk and cook in a double boiler until tender. When the vegetables
are done, strain off the broth and add it to the vermicelli when cooked. Season with salt and
a cup of cream. Beat two eggs light and turn the boiling soup on the eggs, stirring briskly
they may not curdle. Reheat if not thickened, and serve.


Put a knuckle of veal into three quarts of cold water, with a small quantity of salt, and one
small tablespoonful of uncooked rice. Boil slowly, hardly above simmering, four hours, when
the liquor should be reduced to half the usual quantity; remove from the fire. Into the tureen
put the yolk of one egg, and stir well into it a teacupful of cream, or, in hot weather, new
milk; add a piece of butter the size of a hickory nut; on this strain the soup, boiling hot, stirring all the time. Just at the last, beat it well for a minute.


Scrape and slice three turnips and three carrots and peel three onions, and fry all with a
little butter until a light yellow; add a bunch of celery and three or four leeks cut in pieces;
stir and fry all the ingredients for six minutes; when fried, add one clove of garlic, two stalks
of parsley, two cloves, salt, pepper and a little grated nutmeg; cover with three quarts of
water and simmer for three hours, taking off the scum carefully. Strain and use. Croutons,
vermicelli, Italian pastes, or rice may be added.


Cut two heads of celery into finger lengths, and simmer in a quart of milk for half an hour.
Remove the pieces of celery with a skimmer. Thicken the soup with a tablespoonful of cornstarch braided with a little milk, add salt if desired, and a teacup of whipped cream.


4 oz. of ground almonds, 1 pint of milk, 1 pint of water, 1 oz. of vermicelli, 2 blades of mace,
pepper and salt. Let the almonds and mace simmer in the water and milk for 1/2 of an hour,
remove the mace, add pepper and salt to taste, and the vermicelli. Let the soup cook gently
until the vermicelli is soft, and serve.


Take 1 pint of Milk, 1 oz. Butter, 4 Onions, Salt and Pepper, 1 pint White Bone Stock and Dry
Crusts. Peel and slice up the onions and put them into a saucepan with the butter; make
them very hot, and then cover them down and leave them to cook by the side of the fire for
an hour, but they must not get any colour. Break in some dry, hard pieces of bread; it
should be crust only for this soup. Boil the milk and stock together, pour it over the onions
and bread, and let it simmer very slowly, closely covered, for an hour; rub through a sieve,
season with salt and pepper and a few drops of lemon juice. Boil up and serve with fried


Chop fine any kinds of greens or vegetables, stew in a little water until thoroughly done,
then add plenty of hot water, with pepper and salt to taste, and a 1/4 of an hour before
serving, pour in a cupful of the "Sweet Batter," and you get a thick, nourishing soup. To
make it more savoury, fry your vegetables before making into soup.

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